Neural Network: Creates a Convolutional Neural Network to predict outcomes.
Decision Tree: Works by splitting data over specific parameters i.e. all teams that shoot better than 40% go one way, the rest go the other way, repeating this process until fitted.
Linear Regression: Implements Linear Regression for regression and RidgeClassificationCV for Classification, mapping each parameter to a coefficient linearly.
K Nearest: Maps each point in n-dimensional space and returns the average/mode of the k-nearest other vectors.
XG Boosted Tree: Essentially a fancy Decision Tree which performs better by running gradients on successive trees.
Random Forest: A collection of decision trees, takes longer to train but is more accurate. (Also gives probability values)
Pros and Cons: XG Boosted and Linear Regression give good results for minimal training time, while Random Forest can give better results (2-3% better) for longer training times
Score: This method does regression to predict scores of both teams.
Winner: This method uses binary classification to predict the winner.
Pros and Cons: The Winner method performs on average 6% better (73.5% to 66.7%) compared to Score
Welcome to the Parameter Selection!
You'll be selecting options for the Prediction Method, Model Type, and Parameters.
If unsure, using linear regression to predict the winner is a solid choice!